Transfer case reduction installation 15


After the use of some heavy tools, violent force and the realization of the identity of the part resisting separation, heavy disappointment and sorrow settles in.

The speedometer driven gear was still in place although it was supposed to be removed before attempting the separation of case halves. The result of the over enthusiastic attitude in the disassembly was that the speedometer driven gear was bent and only came out after welding a metal rod on the gear bearing holder and forcing it out with a sliding hammer.

Hetki raskaiden työkalujen ja väkivaltaisen voiman käytön jälkeen selvisi hangoittelevan osan identiteetti. Raskas pettymys ja harmitus laskeutui pajan ylle. Purkuvaiheessa yli-innokkaan meiningin seurauksena nopeusmittarin ratas vääntyi ja irtosi vasta, kun rattaan laakeripesään hitsasi tangon ja pakottamalla ratas ulos vetovasaralla.

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